Air Excavation
Air excavation is the use of high-pressure air directed at the soil. The air removes soil without damaging tree roots.
We use this technique to expose buried root flares, find and correct girdling roots, safely trench around roots for utilities, and check for roots in advance of construction.
We also use air excavation to conduct a service called vertical mulching. We use the air tool to surgically create 3” wide by 12” deep “pockets” throughout a tree’s drip line. These pockets are then filled with a custom mix of compost, woodchips, biochar, and mychorhizae. This work improves soil tilth and introduces organic matter into the root-zone.
Many tree health disorders are hidden underground, out of site and out of mind
Using air excavation to dig a pre-construction trench allows the arborist to conduct informed root pruning before arrival of heavy machinery
Finding and correcting girdling roots
Vertical mulching improves soil tilth around established trees with minimal landscape disruption